Adult Pain Management

While you are at the Ohio Surgery Center, the staff will work with you to keep your surgical pain at a manageable level. It is expected after having surgery that there will be some pain or discomfort and while we cannot totally relieve all pain, the goal is to have it at a level where it is tolerable for our patients.

We will ask you to rate your pain frequently throughout your experience at the surgery center. We use different scales to monitor pain based on developmental levels.

For adults, we ask them to rate their pain between 0 and 10 with 0 be absolutely no pain or discomfort, and 10 being the most pain they could imagine.

For patients who cannot verbally tell us how much discomfort they are having (including patients in the recovery area that are just waking up from anesthesia), we use a FLAAC scale that monitors behavior.

The doctors and nurses will administer medication to help manage the pain. There are other things that may help to ease the discomfort; here are a few:

When using ice it is recommended that you place a towel or washcloth on the skin and put the ice pack on top of it. The ice should only be held there for 10 minutes at a time.

It may help to ease the discomfort if you change positions. For example, we encourage those patients having sinus procedures to keep their head elevated. This decreases the pressure to the sinus area and therefore helps to ease the pain.

It helps to concentrate on something other than the pain. For children, reading them a story or watching a favorite video will help them to think of something other than the pain or discomfort. For adults, listening to some music or thinking about their favorite vacation spot can help to manage the pain.

You will receive more procedure specific pain relief ideas with your post operative instructions.