Find out more about: Pediatric ENT Surgeries - Adult ENT Surgeries - Ohio Surgery Center
Find out more about: Pediatric ENT Surgeries - Adult ENT Surgeries - Ohio Surgery Center
Did you know that where a Procedure is performed has a major impact on the cost of surgery?
So you’ve decided on surgery, here’s something you should know. The cost for that same surgery by that same physician varies drastically simply based upon where the procedure is performed. This is true for all medical services. Depending on your insurance coverage, using an Independent Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Surgery Center could be as much as 60% less than the cost of the same procedure performed in a hospital.
It’s important to know your options and understand the differences in procedural care facilities. If you qualify for an outpatient procedure, you’re one decision away from significantly lowering your out of pocket cost. Independent ENT Surgery Centers are designed to provide personalized care that’s flexible for your needs. What that means to you easy scheduling, accelerated admission and discharge processes, and an experience that consistently beats expectations.
The Whitepaper will be your personal guide to:
What exactly is an Independent Surgery Center?
What are the most common ENT Procedures?
What is the difference between outpatient and inpatient surgery?
What benefits can I expect from an Independent ENT Surgery Center?
How much does surgery cost?
- What cost of surgery savings could I really see?
Independent ENT Surgery Centers provide quality, convenient care with excellent patient outcomes and improved experiences with significant cost savings versus hospitals
The Ohio Surgery Center
For just over 20 years, the Ohio Surgery Center has been dedicated to providing the highest quality ENT surgical services for infants, children and adults.
The Ohio Surgery Center uses modern, state of the art techniques to maximize patient outcomes in a safe, convenient, and cost effective environment. Nursing professionals have an average of more than 23 years of relevant clinical experience in both pediatric and adult surgical care.
Ohio Surgery Center specializes in treating common and complex ENT problems including:
Pediatric / Adolescent ENT
Ear Tube Insertion
Allergic Rhinitis
Adults ENT
Nasal Polyp Removal
Sinus Surgery
Put the power of patient care back in your hands! Click the button below to download your FREE whitepaper on the Benefits of Independent ENT Surgery Centers
Ohio Surgery Center
930 Bethel Road
Columbus, Ohio 43214